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Senin, 18 Juni 2012

Based Facial Care Tips Skin Type
Based Facial Care Tips Skin Type - This article is a continuation and tips on how to care for the face. How to treat facial based on skin type, here's his review:
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The key in treating the face is to know your skin type. By recognizing the facial skin, you can determine what steps should be taken to make the face look more beautiful. So what are the different types of skin? Types of facial skin itself is divided into four kinds, namely normal skin, dry skin, oily skin and sensitive skin.

Normal Skin Type
If you have normal skin type, then you're pretty lucky because you will not be too difficult in the face melakukanperawatan. Compared with other types of skin, normal skin has a slight problem. Here are tips on caring for the face with normal skin types that can be applied at home.
Will fit most normal skin with beauty products or cosmetics of any kind. Even so, avoid bergonta gantikosmetik because it could make the facial skin becomes irritated.
Use a face mask. You can buy masks that have been circulating on the market or make a natural mask. For example, a mask of fruits such as avocado, cucumber, and tomato, or a mask of honey. Making masks even this fairly easy, just mash the fruit, add a little olive oil and apply on face. Let stand for about 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
Although normal skin rarely have problems, do not be lazy to wash your face. Wash your face should be performed before and after waking up and also after the move.
Oily Skin Types
Oily skin is skin that often lead to complaints of women in most women. Even not a few who think that caring for oily face pretty hard to do. Characteristics of oily skin is the emergence of excess oil so your face looks shiny. Oily skin is generally accompanied by the appearance of acne, of course, interfere with performance.

Before knowing how to care for oily face, you also should know that this type of skin itself was still divided into two types, namely the total oily skin and combination. Oily total means that every part of the face will surely remove excess oil, while the oily type combination will only remove excess oil on some parts. For example, T areas of the face (around the nose and forehead).
However, oily skin face care with almost the same. Here are some tips.
Choose beauty products or cosmetics that are oil free and water-based so as not to increase the oil content in the skin of your face.
Use a face mask. However, it is advisable to wear masks from natural ingredients (fruit, honey, or green tea) rather than factory-made masks containing chemicals on the market.
Wash your face is mandatory, especially for this skin type so that excess oil can be wiped off the face. Not only that, washing your face is also advisable to clean the rest of the make-up or dirt that clog pores. When the clogged pores, excessive oil content in the skin will not get out. This is often the cause of acne in people who have kind of oily biscuits.
In addition to the care of the outside face of the body treatments are also very important. Avoid eating greasy foods like fried foods, because these foods can increase the levels feared more oil on the face.
Dry Skin Types
One type of skin is not too difficult to overcome, but should still be careful in its treatment. Dry skin is caused by lack of moisture the face, so the key in treating dry skin face is to keep the skin moist. Here's how to treat them:
Clean your face with fresh water to clean the rest of cosmetics as well as dust and dirt. But when it comes time drying, do not rub the face with a towel made especially with a rough towel. Choose towels made from soft, then tap-clap alone to face and leave the skin is not too dry and slightly damp.
Facial moisturizer is mandatory in the treatment of dry skin face. Use the right facial moisturizer 2-3 times a day. Apply a moisturizer at least 3-4 minutes after the finish face cleaned with water.
Choose a facial cleanser that contains no soap / detergent, because detergent ingredients can make the facial skin becomes increasingly dry and can cause irritation.
In addition to detergent, avoid using cleansers that contain ingredients scrub. Although its size is very small, scrub can also cause irritation of dry skin.
If you want to use a face mask, select the mask that can keep the skin moist. Masks that contain vitamin E or olive oil is highly recommended for dry skin face care to keep it moist.
Maintain skin moisture should also be done from within, that is by drinking lots of water at least 7 glasses of water every day.
Sensitive Skin Types
Sensitive skin is skin that is most difficult to overcome, but that does not mean there is no solution for treating facial skin type. This skin type is sensitive to both the product kecantikanmaupun treatments that are commonly performed in facial treatments, such as washing the face.
Small errors that may not have much impact on other skin types, can be even fatal consequences for sensitive skin, because it must be careful in treating the face with this skin type.
The most common complaint for this skin type is inflammation or irritation of the facial skin becomes reddish. How do I care? The following tips.
The first thing to remember is not to love mutually beauty products, whether it's a moisturizer, powder, or a facial cleanser. Sensitive skin will be very easily damaged than other types of skin if you like trying new cosmetics.
Avoid products that contain fragrances beauty face.
Do not overuse make-up. Existing chemicals in cosmetics is not too good for even sensitive skin cosmetics were suitable for your skin.
Be sure to always wash after using the make-up.
Caring for sensitive skin face more encouraged by natural means, such as the use of masks of fruit (cucumber, avocado, apples, tomatoes, or carrots). Natural materials such as these reduce the risk of skin irritation.
When you want to wash your face, it is recommended to use fresh water instead of warm water to avoid irritation.
Avoid direct contact between the face and sunshine. But if you want to move out of the house, you should use a cap so that the face is not exposed to UV rays.


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