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Minggu, 26 Agustus 2012

Jenuh ML? Coba Tipe Hubungan Seks Ini

 Jenuh melakukan aktivitas seksual? Sudah saatnya
 Anda dan pasangan mengubah 
kebiasaan seks Anda agar tidak hanya sekadar rutinitas.
Nah, bereksperimen seksual adalah kunci untuk menjaga
 hubungan jangka panjang yang segar, menyenangkan,
dan saling memuaskan. Menyampaikan apa yang menjadi
 harapan dan kebutuhan Anda akan membuat hubungan
Anda dan pasangan semakin dekat.
"Saling bereksperimen membutuhkan kesediaan untuk
menerima (keinginan pasangan), yang akan meningkatkan
 keintiman," ujar Mort Fertel, konsultan pernikahan di
Baltimore dan pencipta Marriage Fitness Program.
Dilansir berbagai sumber, berikut tipe hubungan seksual
yang bisa Anda coba untuk mengusir rasa bosan.
Position of the Week Sex
Mencoba posisi baru memberikan kesempatan bagi Anda untuk
mengenali apa yang nyaman dan menyenangkan bagi Anda
dan pasangan. Siapa tahu Anda yang belum pernah
mencapai orgasme dapat menemukan posisi yang
 memungkinkan Anda mendapatkannya?
Hal ini akan membuat Anda bahagia dan lega karena
ternyata ada cara mendapatkan kesenangan tersebut
, dan apa yang tidak berhasil untuk Anda. Lakukan
sebagai selingan untuk membuat hubungan intim
tetap fresh, dan mencegahnya menjadi rutin.
Seks Marathon
Hujan turun tak begitu deras, namun merata di
segala tempat. Biasanya hujan semacam ini
akan berlangsung lama. Tak ada kegiatan lain
yang enak dilakukan kecuali mendekam seharian
di kamar dan meringkuk dalam pelukannya.
Bercintalah dengan santai seolah waktu tak akan
 pernah berlalu. Hitung berapa kali Anda mencapai
 puncak. Ketika energi seksual Anda telah dicurahkan
sepenuhnya, Anda berdua akan merasa begitu lelah namun puas.
Seks romantis dan sensual
Menyisihkan waktu (bukan menyisakan waktu) untuk dapat menikmati seks tanpa terburu-buru, bisa menjadi kesempatan "mewah". Lakukan seolah Anda baru pertama melakukannya dengan suami.
Persiapkanlah semuanya dengan matang, perlahan-lahan, dengan suasana yang ditata romantis, musik lembut, dengan aromaterapi yang menenangkan. Dengan demikian Anda akan menikmati setiap momen kebersamaan yang membuat hubungan intim makin terasa.
Fulfill-Your-Fantasy Sex
Setiap orang pasti memiliki fantasi seksual. Sekali-sekali, Anda perlu menyampaikan fantasi seksual Anda pada suami, dan lihat bagaimana reaksinya.
Bila ia excited, coba tanyakan apa fantasi seksualnya. Lalu ajaklah ia mempraktekkannya. "Sebaiknya kita memang mencoba melakukan fantasi kita, sejauh itu masih bisa dilakukan," ujar Fertel.

Cara Berhenti Merokok (Efektif,Mudah,Ampuh)

Anda perokok berat ? Apakah sekarang punya niat untuk berhenti merokok ? Lalu bagaimana cara berhenti merokok ? Sebelum kita ulas cara berhenti merokok, ada baiknya kita simak ulasan berikut ini. 

Hari ini satu dari empat pria dan satu dari lima wanita masih merokok. Perokok memahami bahwa rokok adalah pembunuh nomor satu dan rokok secara dramatis meningkatkan risiko penyakit jantung, stroke, kanker, tekanan darah tinggi, dan masalah kesehatan lain.

cara berhenti merokok

Selain itu kebiasaan merokok adalah kebiasaan bernilai tinggi. Kenapa? Bagaimana mungkin kebiasaan merokok mempunyai nilai yang tinggi? Sebagian besar perokok pasti mengerti. Mereka memahami konsekuensi biaya keuangan yang besar dari kegiatan merokok, dengan satu bungkus yang isinya 12, 16 atau 20 batang seharga Rp 10.000 (sekedar contoh) dalam satu tahun para perokok akan menghabiskan 3.650.000 jika hanya satu bungkus perhari. Kalau dua bungkus perhari berarti 7,3 juta setahun. Waaaaw…

Lalu kenapa jutaan orang masih merokok? Sebagian karena nikotin dalam rokok yang sangat adiktif. Penyebab lain karena rokok memberikan kenyamanan psikologis bagi beberapa orang. Mungkin alasan yang paling utama karena berhenti merokok sangat sulit. 

Berikut ini ada beberapa tips cara berhenti merokok yang sudah waloetz kumpulkan dari berbagai sumber dan mungkin bisa bermanfaat bagi Anda :

Dalam langkah cara berhenti merokok dengan cara merokok tiga hal yang dicoba untuk dipatahkan adalah ikatan, waktu dan volume.
Para perokok berat biasanya sangat loyal terhadap merek tertentu. Ikatan perokok dengan merek rokok tertentu begitu kuat. Inilah yang harus dipatahkan. Ikatan akan mudah patah kalau ikatannya tidak begitu kuat bukan? Bagaimana caranya? Merokok lah berbagai macam merek rokok, apapun jenisnya, berapapun harganya. Cobalah merokok dengan merek B, jika Anda sudah mempunyai ikatan kuat dengan merek A. Seminggu merokok dengan merek rokok yang baru mungkin rentang waktu yang cocok. Supaya tidak terjadi ikatan yang kuat dengan merek B. Seminggu kemudian gantilah dengan merek C, dan seterusnya. Sampai Anda rasa Anda sudah tidak ketergantungan atau tidak lagi mempunyai ikatan yang kuat dengan merek rokok awal.
Para perokok biasanya secara tidak sadar mempunyai jadwal waktu-waktu tertentu untuk merokok. Terutama pada saat stres, nongkrong di luar, nongkrong di toilet dan setelah makan. Cobalah patahkan jadwal waktu-waktu untuk merokok tersebut. Contoh, Anda merokok hanya waktu nongkrong di luar tetapi ketika nongkrong di toilet tidak merokok. Atau Anda hanya merokok sebelum makan dan tidak merokok setelah makan. Intinya adalah coba putar balik kebiasaan jadwal Anda merokok. Cobalah masing-masing jadwal selama seminggu dan terus variasikan jadwalnya untuk minggu-minggu berikutnya sehingga kita tidak terikat oleh jadwal tertentu.

Jumat, 10 Agustus 2012

AGUST 2012

How to Prepare for a Trip

Almost everyone loves to go to “a travel” or have a vacation once in a while.But sometimes we do forget that traveling needs preparation and we get caught up with a last minute travel preps. So I have enumerated some of the pointers that you can try in preparation for a great vacation.
  • First, make sure that you have enough time to plan for the vacation you wanted.
  • If you want to travel outside of your country, be sure that your passport is ready and not expired. Like some countries, they require a renewal of passport 3 months before it expires. Or sometimes you go on a trip, and you didn’t check the expiration date of your passport and you didn’t know that your passport is going to expire while you are outside of your country.
  • Think of the place you wanted to go, and if you have decided where,the place then check the internet for tourist spots in that certain country. Research on the place so you wouldn’t get lost and it would be easier for you to check out the cool places they have.
  • Call up hotels in that country and make reservations, so you won’t be sleeping on the streets when you get there and all the hotels are jammed with other tourists.Also, when you call them on an earlier time before the vacation, they may have a best vacation package that is cheaper than the one they offer during the peak season.
  • Be sure to have the right number of reservations if you are traveling alone or with family or even with friends.
  • Check if the country requires you to get a visa.If they do, then it is better get one as early as you can.
  • Check for open flights. All your preparation will go to waste if you don’t get to reserve a flight.
  • Make a copy of all the documents you will be bringing just in case you lose your stuff such as your passport, driver’s license, credit cards, airplane tickets, checks and other documents.Also leave a copy at home and have it faxed to you in case some problem occurs.
  • Also, try to find out if the country requires departure tax.
  • Try to get something that would fit you or your schedule.Don’t get something that you don’t want, and just got it because there is no other choice. This might end up in a disaster.
  • Have foreign money ready. Make sure that you get to keep foreign money in your pocket; you will need this in traveling or going around. Of course, be sure that money is the right one to use on the certain country you are going to.
  • Check for the cost of bus travel or any local transportation in that country.This can help you to travel easier and select which will be cheaper and more accessible.
  • Make a list of things you will need for that trip. It would help you a lot while packing so you will not forget anything. We do make a list and then suddenly remember something that you need and was not on your list then jot it down.
  • Let someone know that you will be traveling or having a vacation.luggage
  • Make sure to prepare your luggage the night before your departure and not rush on the same day of your departure. A habit of rushing makes us forget something that you might need in our trip.
  • Also, check if you are bringing the right clothes for the certain country.
  • Lastly, if you have an early flight, sleep in early and use you alarm clock.
Well, that’s about it. I hope you have a good time during your travel. The best time to prepare is six months before your expected or planned vacation.

how to find good ideas for business and life
Finding ideas is not easy, but finding good ideas is even more difficult. So how can we find good ideas? There is a lesson about it I learned from the book On Writing Well:
You should always collect more material than you will use. Every article is strong in proportion to the surplus of details from which you can choose the few that will serve you best.
Good ideasThis paragraph talks about how to find good ideas for an article, but I believe the same principle also applies to business and life. To find good ideas, you should:
  1. Have as many ideas as possible, and then
  2. Choose the few ideas that serve you best
In other words, you should have the habit of collecting as many unfiltered ideas as possible, so that you can choose the best ones out of them. This is not a new principle; brainstorming sessions do this. But sometimes we forget this principle and try to find good ideas directly without first collecting many ideas.
With this principle in mind, here are some steps to find good ideas:
1. Expect ideas from every situation
Don’t limit yourself to find ideas only in the situations that you think suit your problem best. Often we find fresh ideas from unexpected sources. Therefore, whatever you do and whoever you meet, open your eyes and be prepared to get new ideas. For instance, be prepared to find ideas when:
  1. You read something, even if it seems unrelated.
  2. You talk to someone, whoever he or she is.
  3. You watch television or video
  4. You work out
  5. You see people do things
2. Bring a capture tool wherever you go
If you expect ideas from every situation, consequently you should always be prepared to capture your ideas. So bring a capture tool wherever you go (see also tips to never lose your ideas). Mine is simply a folded piece of paper and a pen in my pocket. Whenever an idea pops up, I just take them and quickly write the idea down. Later I will transfer all the ideas on the paper into my computer.
3. Don’t filter the ideas you get
This is an important principle. Whenever I try to filter my ideas from the beginning, I find the quantityand quality of the ideas decrease. Your task for now is just to get as many ideas as possible – you will worry about filtering later. Remember the quote from On Writing Well above: “You should always collect more material than you will use.”
4. After you’ve collected enough ideas, filter them
After you think you’ve collected enough ideas, then it’s the time to filter them. Again, from the quote above: “choose the few that will serve you best.” Now that you have enough ideas to choose from, chance is you will have a few that are good.
Besides collecting as many ideas as possible, it’s good to increase the quality of your input. That way you can have higher-quality ideas to choose from. Here are some tips to increase the quality of input:
  1. Diversify your reading
  2. Choose the most important book to read next
  3. Get the most out of your reading
  4. Surround yourself with positive people
  5. Find a mentor
  6. Use the art of arbitrage and increase your arbitrage power
Do you have other tips to find good ideas? I would love to hear them.


Kamis, 09 Agustus 2012

descriptive text for animal with missing word for grade 8

Monkey is a species of primate is really close to human. Monkey is the animal with the highest thinking capabilities. Monkey is really similar to human in every aspect. Monkey is an animal that live in the jungle. Monkey live in a family like human. Monkey usually eat banana. Monkey can be seen in the Africa or Indonesia. The species of monkey that found in Indonesia is called orangutan.
Monkey has a lot of hair at the entire part of their body. The hair functions as protection from rain and weather. They has a big ear. Monkey usually use their nose to smell their prey or food and something that can make them in danger.
Monkey has strong muscles. It enables the monkey to jump freely from tree to tree. Monkey has a long hand. The long hand is used to reach the vibe and hang at it.

please fill in the blank word in the text below with the words that match and correct from the options . 

Monkey is a species of (1…..) is really close to human. Monkey is the animal with the highest thinking (2…..). Monkey is really similar to human in every aspect. Monkey is an animal that live in the (3…..). Monkey live in a family like human. Monkey usually eat banana. Monkey can be seen in the Africa or Indonesia. The(4…..) of monkey that found in Indonesia is called orangutan.
Monkey has a lot of hair at the entire part of their body. The hair functions as (5…..) from rain and weather. They has a big ear. Monkey usually use their nose to(6…..) their prey or food and something that can make them in danger.
Monkey has strong(7…..). It enables the monkey to jump freely from tree to tree. Monkey has a long hand. The long hand is used to reach the vibe and hang at it

1.      Where is the monkey live?
2.      What is the function of hair for the monkey?
3.      What is nickname monkeys in Indonesia?
4.      What is the function long hand for monkey?
5.      How is the characteristic of the monkey.mention?

Minggu, 05 Agustus 2012

Cara Cewek Menilai Calon Pacarnya Sebelum Pacaran

Cara Cewek Menilai Calon Pacarnya - Hampir semua cewek single ingin segera memiliki hubungan, namun bukan berarti mereka tidak pilih-pilih dalam mencari calon kekasinya. Meski sudah pendekatan dan terkesan cewek nyaman dengan cowok tersebut, mereka tetap merasakan ragu dengan si cowok.

Secara diam-diam, cewek menilai dan mengevaluasi sifat dan sikap si cowok kepadanya. Inilah yang cewek nilai dari cowok yang akan menjadi calon pacarnya, seperti dilansir Future Scope.

1. Melihat Keseriusan cowok
cowok setampan apapun jika terlihat tidak serius bisa membuat cewek ilfil atau hilang feeling. Jika teman kencannya tidak melakukan kontak mata, sibuk dengan handphone atau tidak ada bahan obrolan, maka cewek akan sebal dengannya. cewek berpikir, si cowok bosan dengannya dan tidak tertarik melanjutkan hubungan.

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